February 2018 ERS Match Report


Match Report / David Cote / SC                                                                 MIA – SC!

Ron Dixon gets ALL the credit for ERS having a February Match, as the regular SC needed to be gainfully employed. Kudo’s to him, to Charlie who ran registration, and to all the other regulars that made this day and Match a success. We had 19 participants shoot 26 entries and five perfect 40X scores. Looks like the Greens, Vanessa & Craig, both brought their “A” game as they both collected perfect 40X’s today. Good Job Team Green!

I’d like to offer a quick Shout-Out to our new comers, John Anderson and his adult son Joshua, to our humble competition, Welcome guys! Overcast with low hanging clouds (read fog) with mist and light rain challenged most of our shooter today with temps in the high 50’s. Sure wished I could have made it today, despite the weather it looks like they had fun.

Our TOP DOGS of the Day are as follows:

SQUIRREL CLASS: Ron Dixon – 38 Targets

BRS CLASS: Craig Green 40X

UNLIMITED CLASS: Terry Floyd & Thaxton Stafford 40X

.17HMR CLASS: Vanessa Green & Neal Truelove 40X

SEMI-AUTO SQUIR: Steve Hawkins 33 Targets

BENCHREST IRONS: John Anderson 33 Targets

Special thanks to the target setters today for not allowing the wet weather dampen their effort to ensure another successful match and to Craig Green for sticking around and helping Ron gather the targets at the end of the day.

We will look for you at our next match, March 17th, 2018, always the third Saturday of the month. Match registration opens at 7:45 and bullets start flying at 8:30. Come on down and sit a spell… you’ll be glad you did. “Aim Small and your targets will Fall!”