Welcome to the new and improved Cherokee Gun Club Website!
There are a few improvements we have made to make our site more useful to all of you.
- Modern Look – We updated the look and feel to be more 2023 rather than 2003
- Mobile-friendly – The Site will now be easier to read and navigate on phones and tablets
- Weather Widget – Right here on the Home Page so you can tell if it’s raining at the range and not waste a drive
- Calendar Changes – The Calendar has been revamped to show range or bay closures due to matches
- Match Pages – They have been standardized so you can expect the same information in the same place on each Page
- Members Area – This is the same, password-protected area you know and love. More updated content is on the way!
The Cherokee Gun Club is a private shooting facility located on 130 scenic acres near Gainesville, Georgia. We are a private club that host many public matches in pistol, rifle, and shotgun disciplines. Use the “Matches” menu above to find a match and come join us!
Visitors are welcome at our membership meetings, open events and competitions.
Non-members may participate & shoot at all “open” matches and competitions but may not shoot on any other ranges except as a guest of a member.
NOTE: Cherokee Gun Club is a COLD RANGE. If you bring a gun to the range to shoot in a match, it needs to be UNLOADED BEFORE you enter the property. Not in your car, trunk, safe area. Please do not unload firearms at our gate; handle this before you get near our property.