AUGUST 2018 ERS Match Report
Match Report / David Cote / SC AUGUST ANTICS!
Awesome August at CGC! Surprisingly mild temps as a cool front push through the area, threatening rain but producing just a couple quick showers. The cool front was accompanied by some gusty winds, and they challenged all but one of today’s participants. A goodly turnout of nineteen shooters shot 28 entries as they took their turns at knocking down our little metal critters. Only three 40x’s were awarded today, all by the same shooter – John Kirkland, earning him a “Trifecta,” shooting three different rifles in three different classes. Well done John.
Charlie and Ron came up with another challenge for those daring enough to try out our side game and donate a few extra bucks for our December banquet –
Ping Pong balls on golf tees – at the 200+ yard Ram line! Yikes!
Several competitors tried their luck, but only two actually made a hit on target – Charlie Craft and Bobby Tibbs. Good shooting gentlemen. Charlie won the pot and generously donated his winnings back to the discipline. Good show Mr. Craft! I understand we had a few left over so they might be back out in December, hopefully a bit closer…
As always, I sure appreciate all the help in setting up and closing down our game.
Our TOP DOGS of the Day are as follows:
SQUIRREL CLASS: Ron Dixon 39 Targets
BRS CLASS: John Kirkland 40X
UNLIMITED CLASS: John Kirkland 40X
MAGNUM CLASS: John Kirkland 40X
SEMI-AUTO CLASS: David Cote 35 Targets
PISTOL CLASS: Ron York 39 Targets
We will look for you at our next match, September 15th, 2018, always the third Saturday of the month. Match registration opens at 7:45 and bullets start flying at 8:30. Come on down and sit a spell… you’ll be glad you did.
“Aim Small and your Targets will Fall!”