July 2018 ERS Match Report
Match Report / David Cote / SC July Fireworks!
Another fun ERS match at CGC. Early morning thunderstorms cleared out just in time for our event. Pleasant temps and conditions allowed five perfect scores to be made. The early morning lightening, thunder, and high winds must have scared away a few folks as we had a little lighter crowd of 18 participants who shot 25 entries which made for an early finish for the day.
As always, I sure appreciate all the help in setting up and closing down our game.
Our TOP DOGS of the Day are as follows:
SQUIRREL CLASS: Bruce Humphrey 38 Targets
BRS CLASS: Charlie Craft, John Kirkland, Jerry Peck, &
Steve Gould – 40X
UNLIMITED CLASS: Thaxton Stafford 39 Targets
MAGNUM CLASS: Neal Truelove 40X
SEMI-AUTO CLASS: David Cote 37 Targets
PISTOL CLASS: Ron York 38 Targets
We will look for you at our next match, August 18th, 2018, always the third Saturday of the month. Match registration opens at 7:45 and bullets start flying at 8:30. Come on down and sit a spell… you’ll be glad you did.
“Aim Small and your Targets will Fall!”