ERS Match Report January 2019

Match Report / David Cote / SC Soggy Start!
COLD, WET, and a bit windy… but still a good day to be at CGC.
Great start to 2019 with a surprising 21 shooters turning in 26 entries on a less than pleasant day. We had SIX NEW SHOOTERS! Welcome to Jeff, Wally, Bill, Ryan, Jim, and Allen! And these new shooters brought their “A-Game” with them! Wanted to also say THANK YOU to these new shooters as well, they sure didn’t shy away from resetting target in the occasional rain along with the regulars.

Three perfect scores of 40X were made by John Kirkland, Wally Davidson, and Craig Green, while the rest of us scratched our heads while still trying our best. At the end of the day, I think we all had a good time and hope to see these new folks again soon.

Please keep Charlie in your thoughts and prayers as he fell at home earlier in the week and couldn’t make it to our shoot.

Our TOP DOGS of the Day are as follows:

SQUIRREL CLASS: Ron Dixon 37 Targets

BRS CLASS: John Kirkland 40X

UNLIMITED CLASS: Wally Davidson & Craig Green 40X

MAGNUM CLASS: Vanessa Green 34 Targets

SEMI-AUTO CLASS: Neal Truelove 37 Targets

We will look for you at our next match, February 16th, 2019, always the third Saturday of the month. Match registration opens at 7:45 and bullets start flying at 8:30. Come on down and sit a spell… you’ll be glad you did.

“Aim Small and your Targets will Fall!”