January 2018 ERS Match Report
January 20th, 2018
Match Report /
David Cote / SC
Happy New Year! We started off the year with a “bang,” great weather, and a great turnout for the first Match of the year! Twenty participants shot 29 entries and everyone had FUN!
Wanted to welcome a new shooter – Bob Tibbs and he came ready to play and scored a VERY respectable 36 on his very first try! Good shooting Mr. Tibbs! Hope you come back soon AND often.
Well the rest of the gang had their hands full with cool, crisp temps in the morning, warming up to near 60. Of course, with the warming temps along came the withering winds which wreaked havoc on the top scores. No Perfect scores today although our competitors gave it their best shot(s).
Our TOP DOGS of the Day are as follows:
SQUIRREL CLASS: Gerald Porter – 39 Targets BRS CLASS: John Byrd & Gerald Porter 39 Targets
UNLIMITED CLASS: Dean Van Alstyne 39 Targets .17HMR
CLASS: C. Craft & Vanessa Green 39 Targets
SEMI-AUTO SQUIR: Neal Truelove 38 Targets
Special thanks to Ms. Nancy Gould for running registration and to all the regular gents who helped me set-up and put up the targets. We will look for you at our next match, February 17th, 2018, always the third Saturday of the month. Match registration opens at 7:45 and bullets start flying at 8:30. Come on down and sit a spell… you’ll be glad you did. “Aim Small and your targets will Fall!”