Spring Trap League
Now that it is warming up a bit it’s time to start a trap league!
E-mail me for rules, calendar, and application form. Please complete the application and bring it with you the first time you come to shoot.
League will run pretty much the same as always with two notable changes:
- Minimum hcap distance will be 20 yd line instead of the 21 yd line.
- You can continue to shoot for score throughout the entire schedule. In the past, only the top 8 of 11 rounds counted for your score. Now, you can shoot until the last day trying to improve your standing.
Still shooting on Tuesday and Saturday from 9:00~12:00. There may be a couple of Big 50 trap shoots mixed in on a couple of Saturdays and you will be able to shoot your league targets and use them for the Big 50 as long as you register them beforehand with Joe O’leary. Time permitting, I would like to run a few Annie Oakley and Brother-in-Law matches during the league season.
Look forward to seeing everyone and I hope there is enough ammo around for everyone to shoot!
Gary Lucas