July 2017 Handgun Bullseye Match Report
On Sunday morning it looked like we would be rained out for the third month in a row. We set up targets without much confidence that the weather would improve. We were all wrong! When the time for the safety meeting arrived, the weather had started to clear.
The usual suspects (all optimists) all showed up ready to help set up, and to shoot. The most obvious difference In technique in this bunch has to be Walt Sippel and Frank Kent. Frank shoots sitting down and uses both hands. Walt shoots standing up, right handed. His left hand is in the left pants pocket along with his car keys and a fidget spinner.
John Byrd shoots (when he’s allowed out) with both eyes open. Ron York, aka ‘Blind Shooter’ won’t admit he even has eyesight. We have been unable to locate the Braille pistol targets he keeps asking for.
The weather continued to improve. For the first time in three months we were able to shoot two complete relays.
The next Handgun match will be Sunday, August 20.
Walt Hodge