May 2018 ERS Match Report

EXTREME RIMFIRE SILHOUETTE           May 19th, 2018
Match Report / David Cote / SC
It was a very nice day to be at CGC. Damp start of the day with pleasant temps then the sun came out along with some wind and – Hello Mirage – Such is the shooting discipline. Everyone had fun and good fellowship was enjoyed by all. Four perfect scores were made this day – Congratulations to John Kirkland, Thaxton Stafford, and Neal Truelove, for earning another 40X pin!
Charlie brought another fund raising side game to the table (which funded even more goodies to be given away in December), John Kirkland won and came away with half the pot but then turned around and donated it right back to ERS! Good show John! Special mention was Steve Gould, just a few mm’s out from him, great shooting gents! Thanks go to Mrs. Nancy Gould for running registration, Robby Lawrence for running the line, and those same regulars that set-up and take down the targets. God bless you gentlemen.
Our TOP DOGS of the Day are as follows:
SQUIRREL CLASS: Ron Dixon – 39 Targets
BRS CLASS: John Kirkland 40X
UNLIMITED CLASS: John Kirkland, Thaxton Stafford 40X
MAGNUM CLASS: Neal Truelove 40X
SEMI-AUTO CLASS: David Cote 38 Targets
We will look for you at our next match, June 16th, 2018, always the third Saturday of the month. Match registration opens at 7:45 and bullets start flying at 8:30. Come on down and sit a spell… you’ll be glad you did.
“Aim Small and your Targets will Fall!”