ERS November Match Report
Match Report / David Cote / SC NICE NOVEMBER!
What a nice day to be at CGC. Cool & Crisp 30 degree start of the day warmed up to 63 degrees by mid-afternoon with a mild light breeze. It was a great day to be outside. And I wasn’t the only one to think so… we have a large turnout of 25 shooters post 35 entries in our little game. We had three perfect scores of 40X with Mr. Bob Tibbs making his first of his career. Good shooting Bob! We also had three “first timers,” and wanted to thank Brent Dodson, Warren Pettus, and Kirk Swanson for attending.
Today also marked an end to our competitive scoring for the 2018 season of ERS, I hope all of the participants come next month for our morning fun shoot, then luncheon with award presentation and many give-a-ways, including two brand new CZ Rimfire Rifles! And who says it doesn’t pay to play!
Finally, with Thanksgiving only a few days away, I am reminded of how thankful I am to have so many volunteers to help run ERS. Ron Dixon is someone you can always count on, Charlie Craft has provided generous support along with fund raising. Guest Neal Truelove, Gerald Porter, Steven & Nancy Gould as well as many un-named others have contributed to make ERS the successful discipline that it is. I am thankful to CGC for allowing and supporting our game for the last 10+ years. And lastly, I am thankful for the participants that make this game possible. God bless you all.
Our TOP DOGS of the Day are as follows:
SQUIRREL CLASS: Charlie Craft 37 Targets
BRS CLASS: John Kirkland & Bob Tibbs 40X
UNLIMITED CLASS: Steve Gould & John Kirkland 39 Targets
MAGNUM CLASS: Vanessa Green 40X
SEMI-AUTO CLASS: David Cote 38 Targets
BRS IRON SIGHT: Brent Dodson 29 Targets
PISTOL CLASS: Ron York 36 Targets
We will look for you at our next match, December 15th, 2018, always the third Saturday of the month. Match registration opens at 7:45 and bullets start flying at 8:30. Come on down and sit a spell… you’ll be glad you did.
“Aim Small and your Targets will Fall!”